PhD Student Scholarship 2018-2021
(*PhD student author) and (bold =PhD faculty in Nursing)
*Beran, K., & Scafide, K. (in press). Factors related to knowledge, attitudes, and reporting behaviors in US High School Athletes: A systematic review. Journal of School Health.
Kutahyalioglu, N. S., Scafide, K. N., Mallinson, R. K., & D'Agata, A. (in press). Implementation and practice barriers of family-centered care encountered by neonatal nurses. Advances in Neonatal Care.
Oh, K. M., *Alqahtani, N., Chang, S. & Cox, C. (in press) Knowledge, beliefs, and practice regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among American college students: Application of the Health Belief Model. Journal of American College Health.
*Narayan, M. C., & Mallinson, R. K. (2021). Home health nurses’ journey towards culture-sensitive/patient-centered skills: A grounded theory study. Home Health Care Management & Practice.
*Sharma, S., Scafide, K. N., Dalal, R., & Maughan, E. (2021). Individual and organizational characteristics associated with workplace bullying of school nurses in Virginia. Journal of School Nursing, 37(5), 343–352.
*Sharma, S., Scafide, K. N., Maughan, E., & Dalal, R. (2021). Examining the relationship between perceived supervisor support and workplace bullying in school nurses in Virginia. Journal of School Nursing.
*Smith, T., Perez, J.K., & Friesen, M. (2021). Virtual focus groups as an answer to research during a pandemic: Implications for nursing professional development. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development.
*Steves, S. & Scafide, K. N. (2021). Multimedia in preoperative patient education for adults undergoing cancer surgery: A systematic review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing.
*Alqahtani, N., Oh, K. M., Panagiota, K., & Rodan, M. (2020). Nurses’ evidence-based practice knowledge, attitudes, and implementation: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(1/2), 274-283.
*Bahari, G., Scafide, K. N., Krall, J., Mallinson, R. K., & Weinstein, A. (2020). Mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between family social support and self-care behaviors: A cross-sectional study of Saudi men with hypertension. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 25(6), e12785.
*Bahari, G., Scafide, K. N., Weinstein, A., Krall, J., & Han, H. (2020). Assessment of hypertension self-care behaviors and self-efficacy among men in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 28(2), 1-20.
*Graham, A. C., Mallinson, R. K., Krall, J., & Annan, S. (2020). Sexual assault survivors’ perceived helpfulness of university-affiliated resources. Violence Against Women.
*Narayan, M. (2020). Cultural competence in home healthcare nursing: Disparity, cost, regulatory, accreditation, ethical, and practice issues. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 32(2), 76-80.
Scafide, K. N., *Narayan, M. C., & Arundel, L. (2020). Bedside technologies to enhance the early detection of pressure injuries: A Systematic Review. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 47(2), 128-136.
Scafide, K. N., *Sharma, S., Tripp, N. E., & Hayat, M. J. (2020). Bruise detection and visibility under alternate light during the first three days post-trauma. Journal of Forensic Legal Medicine, 69.
*Baird, B., Oh, K. M., Douglas, C., & Weinstein, A. (2019). Health literacy, depression literacy, and depression among older Korean Americans. Journal of Health Communication, 24(5), 525-535.
*Brewer, K. Oh, K. M., Kitsantas, P. & Zhao, X. (2019). Workplace bullying among nurses and organizational response: An online cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(1), 148–156.
*Graham, A. C., Mallinson, R. K., Krall, J., & Annan, S. (2019). Sexual assault, campus resource use, and psychological distress in undergraduate women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
*Itote, E. W., Fleming, L. C., Mallinson, R. K., Gaffney K. F., & Jacobsen, K. H. (2019). Knowledge of intrapartum care among obstetric care providers in rural Kenya. International Health, 11(4), 258–264.
Mallinson, R. K., *Sibandze, B. T., & *Alqahtani, N. (2019). Healthcare workers’ perceptions of services at the Swaziland Wellness Centre. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 21(1), 1-16.
*Narayan, M. (2019). Addressing implicit bias in nursing: A review. American Journal of Nursing, 119(7), 36-43.
*Peppard, L., Oh, K. M., Gallo, S., & Milligan, R. (2019). Risk of depression in pregnant women with low-normal serum Vitamin B12. Research in Nursing & Health, 42(4), 264-272.
*Russell, E., Oh, K., & Zhao, X. (2019). Undiagnosed diabetes among Hispanic and white adults with elevated haemoglobin a1c levels. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 35(5).
*Sibandze, B. T., & Scafide, K. N. (2018). Among nurses, how does education level impact professional values? A systematic review. International Nursing Review, 65(1), 65-77.
Mallinson, R. K., & *Sibandze, B. T. (2018). HIV and male circumcision in Swaziland. In G. E. Dorman & M. de Chesney (Eds.), Case studies in global health policy nursing. Springer Publications.
Mallinson, R. K., *Sibandze, B. T., *Alqahtani, N., & *Amberpeta, J. (2018). Evaluation of a nurse-managed Wellness Centre for Health Care Workers in Swaziland. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 20(2), 1-17.
Scholarly Presentations (competitive, peer-reviewed)
*Beran, K. & Scafide, K. (2021, April). Factors associated with concussion knowledge, attitudes, and reporting behaviors among US High School athletes: A systematic review. 11th Annual Doctoral Student Research Conference of Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium (WRNRC), Washington D.C.
*Kutahyalioglu, N., & Scafide, K. (2021, February). Implementation and practice barriers to family-centered care encountered by neonatal nurses. 35th Annual Conference of Southern Nursing Research Society, virtual.
*Kutahyalioglu, N. & Scafide, K. (2021, April). Implementation and practice barriers of family-centered care encountered by neonatal nurses. 11th Annual Doctoral Student Research Conference of Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium (WRNRC), Washington D.C.
*Mohammadifirouzeh, M. & Oh, K. (2021, April). In-person HIV stigma reduction interventions among health care providers and student: A systematic review. 11th Annual Doctoral Student Research Conference of Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium (WRNRC), Washington D.C.
*Narayan, M. C. (2020, October) Transcultural nurses' reflections on culture-sensitive assessment & care planning strategies. 2020 Transcultural Nursing Society Conference, virtual.
Smith, T.A. (2021, May) Therapeutic sound and agitation: A systematic review. National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition, virtual.
*Steves, S. & Scafide, K. (2021, April). Multimedia use in preoperative patient education for adults undergoing cancer surgery: A systematic review. 11th Annual Doctoral Student Research Conference of Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium, Washington D.C.
*Bahari, G. (2020, May). Mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between family social support and self-care behaviors among Saudi men with hypertension. 5th Biennial European Conference of Sigma Theta Tau International, Coimbra, Portugal.
*Brewer, K. Oh, K. M., Kisantas, Y. & Zhao, X. (2020, March) Associations of organizational support and betrayal with burnout among nurses who experienced bullying. 34th Annual Conference of Southern Nurses Research Society, New Orleans, LA.
*Graham, A. C., & Mallinson, R. K. (2020, March). An examination of the use of campus sexual assault resources and the well-being of women who experience sexual assault during college. 34th Annual Conference of Southern Nurses Research Society, New Orleans, LA.
*Bahari, G. (2019). Mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between family social support and self-care behaviors: A cross-sectional study of Saudi men with hypertension. Sigma Theta Tau International Day, George Mason University.
*Baird, B., Oh, K. M., Douglas, C., & Weinstein, A. (2019, Feb). Health literacy, depression literacy, and depression among older Korean Americans. 33rd Annual Conference of Southern Nursing Research Society, Orlando, FL.
*Sibandze, B. T., & Mallinson, R. K. (2019). Nurses’ caring behaviors in Swaziland: The impact of professional values, compassion fatigue, and emotional intelligence. 29th International Nursing Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau International, Melbourne, Australia.
*Sibandze, B. T., & Mallinson, R. K. (2019). The process by which nurses in Swaziland develop a values-based practice: A mixed-methods study. Annual Conference of International Association for Human Caring, Greenville, SC.
*Vega, S. (2019). Reducing health disparities in maternal mortality by addressing unmet health-related social needs. DC Public Health Challenge at the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Washington, DC.
*Peppard, L., Oh, K. M., Gallo, S., & Milligan, R. (2018, March) Relationship between Serum Vitamin B12 and Depression in Pregnant Women in the United States. 32nd Annual Conference of Southern Nursing Research Society, Atlanta, GA.
*Sibandze, B. T., & Mallinson, R. K. (2018). A mixed-methods study of nursing in Swaziland. 32nd Annual Conference of Southern Nursing Research Society, Atlanta, GA.
*Beran, K., & Scafide, K. (2021, April). Factors associated with concussion knowledge, attitudes, and reporting behaviors among US High School athletes: A systematic review. Poster recipient of Celebration of Scholarship Award, George Mason University.
*Bates, R. (2020). Accepted into Center for Adaptive Systems of Brain-Body Interactions (CASBBI) NSF Traineeship. The interdisciplinary program in disability-related research provides a year-long curriculum involving coursework, laboratory rotations, and community-engagement activities.
*Kutahyalioglu, N. (2020). Funding award from National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN). Her dissertation is titled “Neonatal nurses' practices about family-centered care and implementation barriers.”
*Narayan, M. (2019). Funding award from Alliance for Home Health Quality & Innovation (AHHQI). Her dissertation is titled “Home Health Nursing and Culturally Competent Care.”
*Peppard, L. (2019). Southern Nursing Research Society RINAH Publication Award for the paper, Risk of depression in pregnant women with low‐normal serum Vitamin B12.
*Vega, S. (2019). Member of “Team Mason” for the DC Public Health Challenge at the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. 2019 Case: Reducing Health Disparities in Maternal Mortality by Addressing Unmet Health-Related Social Needs. Team won the Harrison C. Spencer Interprofessional Prize for best interprofessional teamwork and a solution that exhibited expertise in key disciplines.